Sussex RSL is a place to play, experience, eat and relax.

Courtesy Bus - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Courtesy Bus

Catch the Courtesy Bus!

Departs every hour from 4pm
Departure times will be in accordance with the time shown on the clock in the Front Foyer. These times can and will be altered at the discretion of Management.

The easiest way to and from the club
Get to and from club easily without breaking the budget! A gold coin donation is highly appreciated.

Last pickups
No pickups after 8.00pm. Please ensure you have arranged with reception to be picked up during this scheduled run so as to avoid disappointment

Bus rules
No smoking. No drinking. No offensive language. The bus driver reserves the right to remove patrons from the bus if they do not abide by these rules.

To book now call (02) 44 412 076

Big Screen - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Big Screen

Watch all the latest live sports on the BIG SCREEN located in the main lounge.

Tab and keno - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Tab and keno

Latest tab and keno facilities in the clubs sports bar.

Sky racing - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Sky racing

All Sky Racing channels shown in the clubs sports bar.

Sussex shores - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Sussex shores

Settled in the delightful seaside township of Sussex Inlet in the Shoalhaven and just 3 minutes’ walk from the Sussex Inlet town center, Sussex Shores offers modern and family-friendly accommodations.
Learn more

Inner clubs - Sussex Inlet RSL Club

Inner clubs

We have four Inner Clubs you can join plus community groups who meet in the club regularly.

Become a member

Join Sussex RSL Club for immediate benefits.